The Alaska Yukon North American mission’s sole purpose is to start new churches in communities without current churches. From starting new works in larger cities to remote villages, we are committed to bringing God’s light into the Arctic region. Our purpose is to give the men and women of the district the training, support, and direction necessary to succeed in planting new preaching points, daughter works, and eventually full-functioning churches. We are destined to carry out the mission of Kenneth French; just one more place.

NAM Director - Mike Mendenhall

NAM Secretary - John Dartt


Reaching the whole world with the whole gospel was likely the earliest cry of the modern Pentecostal church. Global Missions has become our churches' answer to engaging in Christ's global mission and impacting the world from the location of our home churches. Join your district family to help spread the gospel by becoming involved in missions today.

For more information regarding Global Missions contact: 

Global Missions Director - Jonathan Bagwill


AKY Youth Ministries is focused on partnering with Pastors to equip and empower the youth of Alaska and the Yukon Territory with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe in working with the local church to biblically train and teach students in both evangelism and discipleship.

Youth President - Todd Welcher

Youth Secretary - Levi Pelletier


The mission of Alaska Yukon Children's Ministries (A.Y.C.M.) is to assist our district churches in developing and maintaining a growing and influential children's ministry. We accomplish our mission by providing Children's Camp with anointed children's evangelists, volunteer opportunities, teacher training seminars and certification, and social media groups for resources each year. We also support Junior Bible Quizzing and distribute the B.R.E.A.D. program. These initiatives are made possible through the generosity of you giving to Save Our Children. Discover more by visiting our website or follow us on Facebook.

Children’s Ministry Director - Jeff Bartlett

Children’s Ministry Secretary - Derrick Seagraves


"Equipping men everywhere to discover their purpose, power, and place" is the motto and goal of the Alaska-Yukon Men's Ministry. It's not easy being a man in contemporary culture, which challenges the man's role and divine order. The Alaska-Yukon Men's Ministry strives to help men discover their purpose—what God has called them to be and do, and to be their best; to discover their power—the power they can have when God is working through them; to discover their place—to step up and take the lead, even in the face of social and cultural opposition.

For more information regarding the Men’s Ministry of the AKYT, please contact:

Lorin Bradbury


AKY Ladies Ministry builds ladies of all ages to become who God has called us to be through giving, serving, and making a difference in the community. We strengthen unity by hosting Ladies Conferences and meetings to be in one mind and one accord in fellowship, worship, and the Word. We cultivate relationships as we cry, laugh, and rejoice together. In Him, we live and move and have our being!

Ladies President - Cathy Bagwill

Ladies Secretary - Holly Bartlett


Bible Quizzing is a ministry of the United Pentecostal Church International. Our primary focus is teaching and instilling the precious Word of God into children and teens. Bible Quizzing equips young people with the knowledge, confidence, foundation, and skills to become worldwide leaders in ministry. Bible Quizzing competition season runs from January through July and consists of 4 divisions based on age and experience. Senior Bible Quizzing is for ages 12-18 and is under the General Youth Division. Junior Bible Quizzing is for children up to 11 and is a ministry of the General Sunday Division.  

For more information regarding the Youth of the AKYT visit our website or contact: 

District Coordinator - Natasha Hobson


With Whitehorse, Fairbanks, Sterling, and Anchorage campuses, the Alaska-Yukon District Purpose Institute provides leadership and ministerial training to those who desire to be used to further the Gospel. Our campuses' training is designed to raise the quality of ministry from every leadership level—not just those entering full-time ministry. Every believer has a God-given purpose that emerges as they apply themselves to ministry and "study to show themselves approved of God." Purpose Institute helps leaders discover and prepare for their purpose—their place in the harvest. Contact your local Pastor for information on enrolling or additional information.

For more information regarding Purpose Institute visit this website

Purpose Institute Coordinator - David Nickell